
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How Many Miles Was That?

Every once in a while someone will ask me that question after a Spin class. How many miles was that? I always say, 'how many miles did it feel like to you?' because honestly I have no idea. Every person in my class are at a different fitness level with different goals. I really like that about Spinning. We all work at our own fitness level towards our own goals. We currently use regular Spinning bikes which means there isn't a pedometer attached to produce a mileage reading. So even if I had my Garmin on, it would say 0 miles even though I am drenched in sweat.

This is where I've been on most days. This photo was taken months ago and there are now twice as many bikes in there. There are currently 20+ bikes. I was really nervous when I first started teaching but now it feels almost second nature. Almost.

I was at the drugstore the other day and picked up this Oxygen magazine to browse while I was waiting in line to checkout. I use to have a subscription but then I got bored with it and stopped it.

I was flipping through it and noticed that it made mention of Spinning! The article pointed out that Spinning is 'tough on fat, gentle on joints" compared to running. This is hard for me to swallow as a runner but I have to agree with this point. It is also really fun to do intervals on a Spin bike and the more fit you get from Spinning, the more fun the routines become. Putting together a good playlist is key to keeping your class focused on the ride. I taught a beginners class last week to a couple of gals who had never been to a Spinning class and when I told  them towards the end of class that we had already been at it for 50 minutes, they were amazed and commented that 'time flies'. I am sharing this article because I am happy that Spinning has a place in a weight training/fitness magazine. I use to weight train more often so this is close to my heart.

I was looking through my camera from recently and noticed that I haven't been very good about taking photos. Might as well since I do not have much time to blog. I found this photo of a conference I was at last week.

And a photo of what I ate for breakfast that day.

I took this photo for my sister. Moby signed and drew his signature art work on the Seabird vegan food truck.

I also went out for dim sum this past weekend. I haven't been to dim sum in a long while.

It hit the spot! Unfortunately, this was the only photo I have. A lone BBQ pork steamed bun.

That's all I have for now. I can't say that the frequency of posting will improve because it likely won't until late December. In the meantime, keep running, Spinning, lifting or whatever it is that gets your heart pumping and do it with gusto! Yeah!


  1. Yay for Little Idiot artwork!

    I just discovered a site called, not sure if this will help with your playlists since they are pre-mixed but fun!

  2. Haha that baby picture made me laugh out loud!

    I used to take spinning all the time at school, but now there is only one good instructor at the gym by my house and his class is 7am on Sundays - but just to get a bike you have to get there by 6! I need to work up more motivation.
