
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

21 Again?

It's my birthday today! If you are planning on seeing me in person today, you better come bearing cake/gifts or I'm cancelling our appointment. What's that you say? You didn't know that I was turning 21?!? That's okay but here's a little trick to remind you for next time...and it is this...I turn 21 every year. Easy right? It's been like that for years now. Don't forget and please do not make the mistake of asking me how old I am unless you've come bearing a really big cake/gifts. Now you know.

I was home over the weekend visiting my parents and my mom made me traditional Chinese birthday dessert. I love you mommy! Thank you! P.S. Don't ask me how to make it. I have no clue. It is basically a hard boiled egg in a sweeten soy milk dessert soup with barley and lotus nuts. Maybe I'll ask my mom for the recipe. I love this. Taste like a warm hug.

Last weekend the sisters, the BIL and M took me out for an early birthday surprise. We had afternoon tea at the Scarlett Tea Room in Pasadena. So much red!

Since it was my birthday I ordered the 5 course tea! That's a lie, I would have ordered this even if it wasn't my birthday. I love me some afternoon tea party!

First up is this strawberry sorbet. Something light and refreshing to get the taste buds going.

I ordered the jasmine green tea and to be honest it tasted like the teabags I get from Stash. Don't get me wrong, Stash's jasmine green tea is one of my favorites. I'm just making a comparison. Perhaps there is not much difference in the ways of jasmine green teas.

There is something fun and dainty about having your food served on a 3-tiered tray. I wish all my meals were served in this manner.

Scone snob alert! These were good. I'll give them a 6/10.

Scone accompaniment.

The sandwiches were good. Nothing super unique about them but no complaints from me.

Okay, I take back that last statement. M let me tried this chicken salad pesto sandwich with whole roasted pine nuts and I have to say that it was something special.

Assorted petit dessert plate. That piece of chocolate cake was small but was really rich and packed a big chocolate punch.

And just when you think that you can't eat another bite...out comes this Fresh Berry Romanoff! I didn't eat this...too much cream. I was already in trouble with my tummy from having eaten all that other stuff. Okay, I did taste the berries. This taste just the way it looks. Cold and creamy. I mean if you are into that sort of stuff.

I got some really nice presents from my sisters. These are just part of it. Thank you for all the thoughtful gifts!

And what is a birthday without cake! Happy Birthday Me! Note to self...try to be good this year okay?


  1. Happy Birthday! nice 21st ;) I'm just subtracing 10 from my bdays and doing them over again. I'm 23 this year! *cough*

  2. Happy birthday Madison! Everything looks so yummy! Running my 2nd half next sunday (the Nike Women's Half)! I'm not really prepared but i think I'll have fun just running with the crowd, taking pictures and getting that tiffany necklace as a medal! Wish you were running it too so we can meet up!

  3. That all looks amazing!!! Happy (late) birthday. :)

  4. I guess the advantage of turning 21 every year is the bar hopping in the evening. Happy. Belated birthday! Have fun in Long Beach tomorrow. I'd say I wish I could be there, but I'd be lying.
