
Saturday, October 15, 2011

2011 Chapman 5K Recap

Date: October 15, 2011
Location: Chapman University
Start: 7:30am
Finish: 23:18 (New 5K PR!)

The last time I ran a 5K was back in 2008 at the Corona Del Mar 5K. I almost threw up that day. I think that is why that was my one and only 5K race ever. I am just not a fast runner and doing sub 8 minute miles is challenging to me. Then one day on Twitter I saw that fellow Ragnar teammates Sarah and Heather had signed up for this race as part of Team Sparkle. [Insert: I finally met Sarah and Heather in person. It's nice to meet people who are just as they seem on their blogs. I've missed out on the last couple of meetups but made up for lost time today. It was so nice to meet you both. I promise to make every effort to attend any future gatherings. Looking forward to getting to know you and the other teammates better.] So I went on the Chapman 5K website and liked what I saw. Plus, I've always wanted a Sparkle skirts so this was a win-win all around. I wasn't very familiar with the area around Chapman University as I've only been here once for a food festival. I liked that it was flat and fast. I've been running so many hilly courses this year that I don't even remember what flat and fast is like anymore. This race may be the beginning of my foray into 5 and 10Ks again.

I woke up at 5:15am this morning to get ready. I didn't want to be late. I've been jaded by marathon traffic and crowds one too many times. I managed to get out the door at 5:50am and arrived at Chapman U around 6:15am...way too early! I had a lot of time on my hands so I walked around the campus taking photos. It's been awhile since I've done a 5K and forgot how nice logistics can be at a smaller race.

They are still setting up the finish line here. 

Coach's Oats sponsored the post race oatmeal bar complete with brown/regular sugar, cinnamon, raisins and fresh berries! It was delicious, I need to buy some for the house. I inhaled my bowl of oats shortly after crossing the finish line. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of the actual oatmeal bar because my camera was in my car after the race but it was such a nice touch to have a warm meal after a race.

It is starting to get light outside.

The finish line all ready to go. This was about 30 minutes before the start of the race.

This fountain again but with more light. 

This is actually a photo of me back home after the race but I wanted to show off my really cute new purple Team Sparkle skirt! 

I asked Teddy to help me model off the medal but he was being a real jerk this morning. 

I had a really good time at this little race. So many students, community members and runners alike came out in full force to race the streets of Orange this morning. It was very organized. I've forgotten how pleasant it is to maneuver around a small race. And as much as I love running for 4 hours at a go...running for 23 minutes and getting a medal for it is pretty sweet!

Group photo courtesy of Team Sparkle.

The following two photos are also courtesy of Team Sparkle.

The race shirt.

The goodie bag, which was actually a reusable drawstring bag...

...and look at this! An iPhone armband...score!!! Best goodie bag ever!

In conclusion, this race was well organized, had a flat fast course, good on-course support, yummy oatmeal bar at the finish, medal for running 3 miles and best goodie bag ever! I mean what more can you ask for? I shall be back!


  1. Wow you're FAST with the recapping! :D

    Such a fun race, loved all the sparkles, and great to meet you finally!!

  2. WOW! if you're not fast at 23 minutes then I don't know what fast is! I can't believe all the goodies you recieved from this run - including an awesome medal! Great job!

  3. WOW! Sweet swag and your race outfit is ADORB!

  4. Congrats on the PR and looking super sparkly cute while doing it! Like the others said, you're FAST! Way to go!

  5. I've heard good things about this race. It's just that 5K's HURT! Way to go Madison!
