
Saturday, September 17, 2011

La Casita Mexicana - Bell, CA

Earlier this week I was watching the Food Network and this show came on...

Normally when I watch that show I would lust over food from some out of state restaurant that I cannot get my hands on but not on this day because Giada spoke of a caramel churros from a restaurant called La Casita Mexicana that was located in the city of Bell which is within driving distance. Yes! 


Consequently, Sister S tells me this evening during dinner at La Casita Mexicana that Chef Jaime (right) and Ramiro (left) took part in a Chiles Rellenos Throwdown with Bobby Flay. Apparently they are quite the regulars on Food Network.


They brought out these tortilla chips with three kinds of mole. Mainly so that we could sample the three kinds of mole. All really good. The next time I come back I am determined to order something with mole on it.

Everyone ordered the Lemonade with chia seeds. I was the only one at the table that didn't order this and I had regrets. Everyone else told me that this was one good lemonade. And it was! Sister S was nice and shared hers with me. :)

Tortilla soup that came with our entree. A simple soup but I liked it.

I ordered this Ceviche Verde and it was amazing! I normally don't like fish ceviche because some places do not make this correctly and the fish ends up being dry but this was so fresh and full of lime flavor. A really delicious dish! The waiter warned me that this was a spicy dish but it was just right for me and I think I have a normal tolerance to spiciness. 

Sister S and the BIL ordered the Three Meat Dish (beefsteak, homemade chorizo and beef cecina) w/ roasted cactus...a side of beans and homemade tortilla. Really good homemade chorizo over here! :D

Three Moles Enchiladas...beautiful isn't it?

Flan de Cacoa

The famous Churros Con Cajeta! Oh the creamy caramel filling. I could put that caramel on just about anything. That Giada knows her churros! 

I give this place a thumbs up! Yum! Everyone here is so nice. You have to come here and try the mole and ceviche and then finish off your meal with those amazing caramel filled churros!

Photo taken by Sister S

Me and Sister S with Chef Ramiro! He was so nice to us and even indulged my weird blogger need to photograph everything...haha!

La Casita Mexicana
4030 Gage Avenue
Bell, CA 90201-1127
(323) 773-1898

This was a gift and snack shops right next door to the restaurant. I believe it is family owned by the folks of La Casita Mexicana. Lots of cookies and candies that you would not normally see at a regular market. 

It was so colorful in there.

I don't know what these are but they seem sorta cute.

I guess the snack shop just got these Peanut Brittle Candy in stock recently. Seems like my dad would like these. 

A few doors down the other directions is a bakery. Paletas greeted us at the door as we entered. 

Followed by the most amazing aroma of fresh baked goods. They should bottle that smell. 

I don't know what this is but I wanted some but I had already picked out two pieces of baked goods. Maybe next time.

Pan Dulce


  1. I *LOVE* Mexican food. I play *LOTS* of poker in Bell Gardens. Looks like I'm going to be stopping in soon! Mmmm. Mole.....

  2. Oh. By the way - those little statuettes are for Dia de los Muertes - the Mexican equivalent of Halloween.
