
Friday, September 2, 2011

Katana-Ya Ramen Restaurant - San Francisco (Tenderlion), CA

Leave it to me to wander around San Francisco looking for ramen of all things in a city filled with so many amazing restaurants. But that was exactly what I did the last time I was in SF. I remember that day well. It was my first day in SF and Sister K had to work so I was on my own. The first thing I did was head to the Ferry Building, next the SF Marathon race expo, it was at the expo that I decided to whip out my trusty phone to see if there were any ramen joints close by...I don't know where my head is sometimes, I think it is always in a bowl of ramen soup. To my luck, there were two but they were not that "close" and soon I will realize what a crazy feat it is to trek over there. I don't know why but I really wanted ramen on that particular day and it was already past lunchtime when I decided to seek out lunch so I was hungry. Hunger makes me do crazy stuff. Like walk a couple of miles through the Tenderloin district to get ramen. The route I decided to take to get to Katana-Ya was "interesting" to say the least. If you decide to come here, take a cab or go with a friend. Don't be like me and walk here alone. It can be a scary place if you know what I mean. Finally, I arrived. I was so relieved and so tired as it was an uphill walk.

This better be worth it!

I took this photo while pondering the walk that I would have to make to get back to my hotel. Back out there in the streets of the Tenderloin. Not a pleasant thought. As you can see this photo is neither here nor there but it does show that this place served more than just ramen.

So much ramen, so little time! I wanted to order the Kimchee Ramen but decided to play it safe and went with the Regular. What am I, insane? 

I sat there at the counter for 15 minutes before I had to flag someone down to take my order. They were surprised that I still had not ordered. They informed me that they thought I had already ordered. You know because I was sitting there pouring over the menu. Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense. Bad service! 

When I finally got my bowl, it was almost 3pm! I was famished and this was tasty. Nice chewy noodles. Broth was okay. I ate it so fast that I didn't get a good look at it. Luckily I took this photo! ;D Although this was a good bowl of noodles, I don't know if I will go back into that area just for this. But you never know. Hunger makes me do crazy things!

Katana-Ya Ramen
430 Geary St (at Mason St)
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 771-1280

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