
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Failure to Launch

I don't know when Friday night became food truck night but there I was yesterday evening, standing in a long line leading up to the Burnt Truck parked at the Spectrum Park. They are there every Friday. Perhaps that is how Friday became food truck night. :s

There was a new truck there this time that I had never seen before. The truck was called Munchees5. And yes, they specialize in dishes made with cheese. I wanted a salad badly so I went to stand in line. I come to find out that their only salad comes in a Parmesan bowl. I was *that* desperate for a salad.

This is the Sal-Edible from the Mun-Chees5 Truck (romaine, candied pecans, dried cranberries, goat cheese, parm herb a Parmesan chees5 bowl). The dressing was pretty good, but I only tasted it since it was made with parm. The killer part about this salad was the Parmesan chees5 bowl! Yes, I was bad and had some. Consequences were had.

I also had a Fried Chicken and a Korean beef slider from the Burnt Truck.

Maybe even a couple of these tator tots. I was a bad kid yesterday!

So this morning I got myself ready for a long know because of last night.

I got in my car and not five minutes into driving to the Back Bay that this started to happen. I should have seen this coming. I had heard thunder earlier when I was having my coffee and bagel.

So I decided to take it inside. Sad, I don't like running inside! I had no set goals but I had at least wanted to get in 10 miles. Unfortunately, my body was just not feeling it this morning and I ended up stopping after getting 5.5 miles done. I just did not feel like doing any more. I took it as a sign to stop. I contemplated going to Bikram but then realized that I had not repacked my spare set of clothes for yoga. Failed!

Oh well! I ended up at Trader Joe's and the Farmers Market to do some shopping for the upcoming week. I picked up some amazing produce. I got a mixed bag of mushroom for $10, 2 bunches of spinach and some eggs.

This here is a portabello mushroom. It is that large mushroom that you often see in markets. It looks like this on the under side. When I first cooked with it, I didn't know that you are suppose to remove that dark gill like part. It's okay if you don't but it tends to darken the other parts of your dish plus it is tasteless and kind of fiber-y.

I know better now, so I just take a small spoon and gently scrape it all off. Looks like this when you are done.

I sliced the portabello mushroom up and sauteed it along with some spinach in olive oil and garlic and topped it with two fried eggs sprinkled with some smoked paprika. The paprika makes the eggs taste amazing! Breakfast of not really...but it was yummy! So it wasn't a total lost!

So this is what I do with those pistachio nuts that are not easily opened. I use the bottle opening part of a pair of utility scissors to crack them open. It is a pain but I hate to waste pistachios.

I'm still contemplating doing a little spinning later or actually going to Bikram. Is anyone else like me and tries to "make-up" workouts? Happy 9/10/11! Hope you are all doing something fun!

1 comment:

  1. What strange weather! I got in late Friday (actually early Saturday) only to be awakened by a crack and almost immediate thunder! I ran later in the afternoon when the humidity was still stifling!
