
Friday, September 9, 2011

Countdown to Marathon #15 (Get Ready Long Beach!)

Just wanted to take a moment from all these ostriches, alpacas and farm posting to talk about my training. Believe it or not, I am still training, just not talking about it too much. Today September 9 marks the one month countdown to the running of the Long Beach Marathon. This year will be my second time running the full marathon course.

I have to admit that I have not been devoting as much time as I should to training for this race. I've been doing lots of other things...namely spinning and you would think that spinning would be a good compliment to running but that is only true to some degree. If you lean towards one discipline, the other one will suffer a bit. Plus, I've discovered that I still need to run more than I am spinning since they work different leg muscles. The one thing that spinning has given me is better endurance. What's not to like...spinning is so much gentler on my knees and body overall. It actually feels more difficult to run now that I'm gotten accustom to spinning as a workout. It keeps me out of the sun and less pounding on the pavement, see why I went over to the dark spin side?

So this month, I will be ramping up my mileages with some spinning days inserted in. I need to get reacquainted with my running legs again. I don't want to have a repeat of '09 when I got a terrible blister towards the end and barely made it to the finish line. I know, completely different woes but I really don't want to have another story to tell.

Here I am in '09, this must have been more towards the front end of the race as I still look happy before aforementioned blister made me cry mother.

1 comment:

  1. Getting pretty excited :):) Get those mary legs back - I know they're just itching to kick some major trash at LB.
