
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Barbacco Eno Trattoria - San Francisco, CA

I've had some pretty amazing meals this year and one of those meals was had at Barbacco in San Francisco with Sister K. Barbacco is located right next door to Parbacco (a fancier and pricier version of Barbacco). There is a little write-up hung inside Barbacco that says something like...Parbacco is where bosses go eat and Barbacco is where the workers eat. I'm no boss so the choice was clear.

Judging just by the name, you can probably deduce that Barbacco serves Italian fare. What you may not deduce is that it serves tapas style Italian fare.

There is an iPad at every table. It's how they categorize their wines here. This iPad is necessary to select just the right wine. Even with this tool, we still had to consult with the waiter because we are still novice wine drinkers.

Sister K was very interested! Wine and iPad are like some of her most favorite things. Lol!

The food is found on a separate conventional menu. 

Sister K spotted this cured meat right away. I thought it was prosciutto but she told me that it was probably Spanish ham (jamon). 

One look at the menu and she confirmed that it was indeed Spanish (jamon). Jamon Iberico de Bellota to be exact! Yes, you need to be exact because this is no regular ham. It is jamon from heaven! 

We sipped some wine as we watched the cook delicately hand sliced each piece of the jamon. 

I'm telling you, this jamon is from heaven! Sister K tells me that this jamon is a lot more affordable in Spain but I'm no boss (which is why I'm eating here and not next door) so I cannot afford to fly to Spain so I'll fork over a few more bills for this jamon from heaven. And really this is a bargain for a taste of heaven, don't you think?

We ordered a side of sliced peaches to go with the ham. Best decision ever!

This is Duck Liver Pate served with crostinis. I have no words because I'm drooling just thinking about this.

This is a wide pasta dish called Paccheri, served with a rustic pork ragu sauce. Can you hear the angels sing? Because I can!

Sweet Pea Bruschetta!

This is Sister K's dessert. I believe this was the Panforte served with a side of Spiced Fruit and Chocolate Bar.

I ordered some Almond Anise Biscottis, tastes just like the ones I had in Italy. Love! The perfect end to a perfect meal. I was sad when this meal ended but I felt like I ate like a boss.

Barbacco Eno Trattoria
220 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111-4401
(415) 955-1919

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