
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Weekly Update

So it's been three days since I ran this race and I wanted to do an update post in between all the SF related post that I will be putting up soon. To be honest I am not that sore this time around. Aside from some soreness in the quads when I am walking down steps, I don't feel too bad. Obviously this is because I had not gone all out on race day. I am one of those people who likes to "leave it all out there"...maximum effort mentality so when I am not as sore as I usually am after a race, I often feel as if I did not put my all into it. When in fact I did for what I wanted to get out of it. I have to remind myself sometimes that is is not a bad thing to not leave everything out there. Kind of nice not to be sore as I have been able to go to the gym and do some shake out stuff to work on that lactic acid build-up.

I haven't yet posted about all the neat restaurants that I ate at while in SF so this post may not make sense until I do but I was not adhering to any sort of healthy eating at all. I tried but SF is such a foodie town that it was really difficult. So this week, I am doing some maintenance eating to balance out my weekend eating fest. It helped that I walked around a lot but eating anything I wanted made me feel sluggish and sleepy at times. So I am back on the healthy eating train.

It has been lovely outside lately in the evenings weather wise. Lots of dining al fresco!

I got my September issue of Runner's World this week so I've been carrying that around with me for reading material. 

It's been mainly salads...


...more salads...

...just a teeny tiny bit of vegan carrot cake. I was weak and the force was strong with this cake. 

And this really yummy pre-cooked Steelcut Oatmeal from Trader Joe's...

...looks like this but taste like heaven.

With these nutritional! I'm trying to be good, I really am.

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