
Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Again?

After an eventful weekend I was ready to get some exercise in. I had meant to get in some running last Friday and yesterday morning but being on my feet all day and staying up too late prevented any running from taking place. Let's not forget about the heat wave! Poor Teddy was panting all weekend long. I did get up early-ish on Sunday morning but it was already really warm so that pretty much decided the fate of my run for me.

Photo credit to Sister K.

I did use these yellow paper pom poms to do a cheer-leading routine. That was the extent of my weekend workout. :(

Photo credit to Sister K.

This morning I hesitantly dragged myself out of bed at 6am to get ready to head to the gym. I thought about running but decided to practice my spin class routine for tomorrow's class instead. Tomorrow will be my third class. I'm still nervous.

I felt sluggish going through the routine on the spin bike this morning. Probably from all the baby shower cake and decadent treats from the weekend. Ugh! I need to mind what I eat on the weekends more because I always feel awful come Monday.  What, where did this come from?!

I also need to get some running in. I am running the Disneyland Half Marathon in a couple of days! I'm pretty excited. This is going to be my first Disney race. I think I might wear one of my tutus. I'm still trying to decide if I want to run this race for fun or for time. I should know more as this weekend gets closer. I need to find some wings so that I can PR!

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