
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

I'm really behind on posts as this particular post is about my Dad's birthday last weekend. Of course I went to Phoenix Bakery to get his cake because he is a big fan of this place. He has been getting cakes from here since we were little. They are famous for birthday cakes or so the sign says. No really, they do have amazing cakes!

Their cakes require refrigeration because they melt if you don't.

There is no ice cream in it but the frosting and center cream is made of a delicate whipped cream that needs to be kept cold. If you don't refrigerate, your cake will melt and become lope-sided, trust me I speak from experience!

My mom made a special dinner of pineapple beef for my dad's special day. I know it looks like there is more to that name and there is but that is what I know this meal by. It is a do-it-yourself rice paper wrapping sort of meal. Kind of like a make your own taco bar kind of thing. That is the best that I can explain it for now. Perhaps one day I will describe it in detail but today is not that day.

This is one of my most favorite meals in the world. I've only ever eaten this meal at home so not sure if you can even get this in some restaurant. Probably but I don't know where yet.

Happy Birthday Dad! <3

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