
Friday, August 5, 2011

Farmers Market @The Ferry Building (SF)

So the farmers market at the Ferry Building in SF makes my local farmers market look like child's play. I mean just look at this...

Unfortunately, I don't live here so I didn't buy anything but I would have loved to do some cooking with all this amazing produce.

Hog Island Oyster

Freshly shucked

Oooo...these were so good! All of them.

Hayes Street Grill - we didn't get a chance to eat here but it smelled amazing.

There was even a Raw and Organic food stall.

I purchased some organic juice. Yum!

Film crew filming something.

I forget what this stall was called but the baked goods looked and smelled so wonderful.

Blue Cheese from Point Reyes!!! I love me some blue cheese!


Tuesday: 10am–2pm
Thursday: 10 am - 2pm
Saturday: 8am-2pm


  1. Hi madison! I think we were at the farmers market the same day! :) wish we could've met up after the race! I looooved it (the race). I wasn't aiming for a specific time except to come in below 3 hours! :) i haven't blogged about it because i started a new job the day after so have been busy. But it was sooo much fun! Will you be running the nike women's marathon? I think that will be my next one. Would you advise running a half marathon 2 weeks apart? Because theres one in san jose on oct 2 but the nike women"s will be on oct 16.
