
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cooking and Spinning

I made Adam's Famous Spaghetti for dinner tonight and it was so good! Jenna is a lucky girl. I had to cook this for myself even though I wasn't in the mood to cook tonight but it seemed like such a simple and quick recipe. I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I didn't have red wine on hand so I used Vermouth. Instead of Italian chicken sausage, I used 2 regular Italian pork sausages. I was concerned about using rosemary so I left it out.

I found these Tinkyada brown rice spaghetti so I decided to give it a try. It was good.

Viola! I paired it with simple salad of mixed greens, tomatoes and avocado topped off with some Roquefort cheese in a honey balsamic dressing. Yum!

My spin instructor was out sick today. I got a call from him asking if I could lead his noon time spin class. What? I've been attending his class for 7 weeks but that doesn't make me qualify to sit in for him but I did anyways. Why? Well because I was curious to see what leading a class would feel like and it was really fun. I quickly borrowed an Ipod, made up a quick routine off the top of my head and lead my very first spin session. It wasn't very smooth or very well planned out but it was thrilling! At least for me. I hope I get to sub again soon.

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