
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Boulettes Larder - San Francisco, CA

On the first day I arrived in SF, Sister K had to work so I went exploring on my own. The first place I hit up was the Ferry Building because it was just past breakfast time and I was hungry. It was a cloudy but warm morning in SF. Just the way I like it!

When I walked into the Ferry Building I was overwhelmed by the amazing aroma and variety of specialty food shops. It was like being in food heaven. After taking four photos, my camera runs out of batteries. I almost died. This place was so picture worthy and my camera dies. Of course it did. 

Luckily I had an older backup camera in my purse (yeah I walk around with 2 cameras, paranoid much?). So I walked around for half an hour before I finally decided on this place for breakfast. Boulettes Larder. Believe me it wasn't easy because there is so much food eye-candy there. 

As soon as I walked in, I knew I had made the right choice. This restaurant had everything that I loved about a good restaurant. It was rustic and cozy. Almost like having a meal at a friend's house. That is if your friend was an amazing cook with a well stocked kitchen. They had an open kitchen and you can watch the chefs work while waiting for your meal. They took such care in preparing the food there. From prepping the dough for biscuits to making pies to plate presentation. I was impressed and very excited to eat here.

The menu was small but it covered all the bases from sweet to savory to soft or crunchy. They procure most of their ingredients from inside the Ferry Building shops or from the farmers market that takes place there a couple times a week. Love!

I started with some OJ! Of course it tasted great.

I could not decide between a sweet or savory dish but I eventually went with savory. Poached Eggs and Mashed Cauliflower in brown butter. The waiter advised me to order the eggs because the chef is well versed in egg preparation. Wow, this was mind-blowingly good for being just eggs and cauliflower. The portions are rather small here for some of the dishes but they were perfectly sized for me.

Egg-y goodness! My old camera does not do this dish justice. It was beautiful!

Sister K and I came back the next day during the Saturday farmers market rush so that I could show her the restaurant. I had informed her that they do not serve on Saturdays but instead offered only to-do options called "larders". We decided to share this made-from-scratch English muffin while we walked around the farmers market. So what did I think? Well I'm never going to eat a packaged store bought English muffin again. This was so fresh and soft. So good!

And because we did not get a chance to eat here on Saturday, we came back after the race on Sunday to have brunch. It was a Sister K request but I was happy to oblige.

The menu was bigger for brunch and I noticed that the menu changes everyday depending on what ingredients they had in the kitchen. Now that's freshness! They even print the date on the menu which means that they do not offer the same menu two days in a row.

I'm totally focusing in on these options.

We decided to start off with some Toasted Acme Breads w/ Apricot Jam and Sweet Butter - I was not a huge fan of this. The jam was good but the bread was Challah and I had wanted something with more chew and substance.

Sister K ordered this dish which was called the California Seafood - local sardine, confit of albacore tuna, french olives (milder than regular olives, smaller too), roasted summer tomatoes, squash and sweet onions, and mustard greens. Really flavorful, I especially enjoyed the sardine!

I wanted something light so I ordered the Fruit Compote with strawberries, pink grapefruit, mango, elderflower and strawberry syrup. Only this place can make fruit taste this good. Can you tell that I really liked this place? I cannot wait until I can eat here again. If you go to the Ferry Building this place is a must! Trust know, because I love to eat.

Boulettes Larder
1 Ferry Building # 48
San Francisco, CA 94111-4231
(415) 399-1155

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