
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blackmarket Bakery - Irvine, CA

One day, I was driving around the area near work looking for a food truck gathering. I'm embarrassed to say it was because I had a cupcake craving and had hoped that the cupcake truck was there. I finally found the location of the gathering but unfortunately or maybe fortunately the cupcake truck was not there. I was desperate for something sweet. So much so that I almost got a shaved iced which is a far cry from a cupcake, wouldn't you say? When I looked around I discovered that the food truck gathering was in the same commercial complex as the Blackmarket Bakery. I've hear of them but had never gone out of my way to seek them out. I don't have a photo of the store front or the inside because I didn't have my camera with me that day and I haven't been back to the store since that one time.

I haven't been back because Blackmarket sets up shop at the UCI Farmers Market every Saturday. I do visit them there frequently. I'm a fan! If you ever get a chance to visit their store, please do, it smells heavenly in there.

I got these at the actual store. I don't think they have these at the Farmers Market stall. Chocolate Hazelnut and Plum tarts. Oh my, I remember these were really good! So buttery and decadent!

This one was my favorite! Reminds me that I really need to go pay them another visit.

These Russian Tea Cookies are another favorite of mine.

These are wonderful with or without a cup of tea.

I was going to describe each piece separately but basically everything is good. I don't think I've eaten anything from Blackmarket that has not blown my socks off. I don't even want to know how many calories are in each pieces of goodies. Frankly, I don't care! Will run for Blackmarket goodies!!

Blackmarket Bakery
17941 Sky Park Cir # E
Irvine, CA 92614-4376
(949) 852-4609

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