
Monday, August 15, 2011

Afternoon Tea at the Palace Hotel

This is the kind of post I live to write. If for no other reason than the fact that it is about having afternoon tea.

***I think I may have mentioned this before but I first started this blog because of my love for afternoon tea. In fact my URL is called "" even though my blog name is I'd Rather Be Eating. Yeah, it never occurred to me to make the two match.

Back to the matter at hand! Tea! So as I was saying I must have been English in my last life or a Queen...

Photo credit to Sister K

...because I simply adore having a nice spot of tea. That's why I'm so glad that Sister K talked me into coming here. Well technically I found the place but had originally not wanted to spend so much on tea but then Sister K reminded me that we were on vacation and how often do we get to do this. Umm, almost never. At least not at the Palace Hotel anyways.

Ah Palace Hotel! Swoon!

A display of the Royal Tea set which includes champagne.

Look at the amazing natural lighting in this place!

We settled on the Garden Court Tea set since I was running the next morning. No bubblies for me!

I was still jazzed to be there.

The scones were good. I can't say that they were the best I've ever had but I enjoyed them.  

This is going to sound strange but believe it or not, this was the first time I tried the lemon curd and it was amazing! I've been served this stuff in the past but have never even tasted it because I don't like lemon desserts and figure this would taste like a lemon dessert but it was slightly sweet and slight tart. Let's just say it was so yummy on the scone. That jelly stuff on the left was another story. It was weird and I didn't care for it.

Tea sandwiches - Sliced Turkey, Smoked Salmon, Prosciutto, Cucumber and Sliced Bosc Pear! The sliced Bosc pear was the best of this lot.

Just so lovely here!


This was Sister K's plate of sweets. I don't think she cared for these, plus she said that she was full. 

Me on the hand...well I think I ate this entire plate. My favorite was the raspberry tart in the back. The other pieces were just okay. Overall, it was a lovely afternoon and I enjoyed it immensely. I would definitely come back if I get the chance. If you have little ones that enjoy playing tea party, this is a wonderful treat for them. When you order the Prince and Princess tea set, they being your little one a tiara or crown and a candy scepter. So cute!

Also, this has nothing to do with afternoon tea but it was on this trip to SF that I discovered the usefulness of the OpenTable iPhone App. It is a real time saver. Check it out!

Garden Court (Palace Hotel)
2 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 512-1111

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