
Sunday, July 24, 2011

OC Great Park Progress

Today I decided to head over to the Great Park to see how the construction was coming along. Boy, they sure have made progress since I was there last. No lake yet but there is now a large grassy area and I think part of the sport complex area is done and I think you can check out equipment as well. It was hot out today so I didn't really walk around too much to investigate. Next time.

This is the newly finished Palm Court and Art Center.

The carousel!

I believe this hangar is being converted into a stage for future concerts. Yay!

There is also a Farmers Market there that operates on Sunday from 10-2pm. I noticed that the farmers market has moved further away from where it was which was next to the giant balloon.

The farmers market is also growing...

More food trucks as well...

...and lots of food vendors!

The park also provides benches in the shade for picnics.

This row of stalls are vendors selling non-food items. I may have to check it out on a future visit.

This was dinner last night! Meal of champions! Not. I should really eat better...and I will this week!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I was also at the Farmers Market on Sunday! It's so small, though, I probably wouldn't make the trip again... but BaconMania being there totally made my day.
