
Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Five Favs

Hooray for short work week! Lots of stuff at work crammed into three days but now the weekend is here so who cares! I went to spin class three days in a row this week and still manage to get in some running and weight training so I guess I am back to normal this week. I have a 20-miler scheduled for tomorrow but I am just going to go out there and get in as many as I can before I get too tired or it gets too hot to run. After this weekend, I will be in taper for the San Francisco Marathon coming up in three weeks. That should be fun. I can't wait.

I didn't really have any neat pictures to share today so I thought that I would do a Friday Five Favorites of things that I am loving this week. Some things I've already mentioned in some previous posts.

Garmin 305 Heart Rate Monitor - so I've had my Garmin 305 for quite a while now but never used the heart rate monitor with it but I've been using it in spin class lately to gauge my level of exertion and it's been fascinating to see what my heart is doing during climbs and such. My max heart rate for someone my age is 193 but I never get anywhere near that. The highest I've gotten in class so far is 177. All this data fascinates me.

Skin Food's Black Sugar Wash-off Mask - I mentioned about product a few days ago and I am still planning to go back to Skin Food to try out more products. I hear they have a nice under-eye concealer.

Roasted and unsalted Pistachios from Trader Joe's - I mentioned about this in the last post. I just love it!

Orville Redenbacher's 100 Calorie mini bags of Kettle Corn - I have a mild obsession with this stuff right now. I'm going through at least one bag a day. Thank goodness it is only 100 calories.

Jasmine Blossom Green Tea from Stash - I first had this tea during dessert at Suzanne's Cuisine in Ojai but I found it at Target recently and love the smell of Jasmine in green tea. Love!


  1. Hi! Just found you through chicrunner :) Love the blog and teddy is adorable!!!!

  2. If you are using your HRM, make sure you perform a max heart rate test (just Google it). Calculations kind of generalize over an entire population and may be pretty unreliable for an individual.
