
Friday, July 22, 2011

Date Night

TGIF! When we got home from work, it was suggested that we walk to our local Italian joint for dinner. I was not the one who made the suggestion but I loved the idea. Honey be doin' his homework. ;)

Don't know why we don't walk more often because it was really nice. 

Wine may have been had.

Mmmm! I'm carbo loading. What? I am! Running 10 miles in the morning. I promise!

Then we walked back home. We passed by a park on the way back so we stopped and played on the swing. Okay maybe it was just me.

This also happened. 

I've been having a craving for cupcakes all day but I didn't have all the ingredients to make them. However, I did have everything to make some Best Big, Fat, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I baked some on a dark baking sheet and they did not spread as nice. Also, I am going to lessen the amount of chocolate chips in all future batched to one cup. Two cup is just an overkill of chocolate chips. 

The ones I baked on a silver sheet spread out nicely and tasted really good. Really chewy. Plus I think all the chips ended up in the cookies on the darker sheet so these contained the perfect amount of chips. I will bake them all on the silver sheet from now on. This is the first time I am using this recipe, which is why they do not look uniform. I think I may also make them a tad bit smaller as well.

Early wake-up call tomorrow for my last long run before the San Francisco Marathon, so off to bed I go! Sweet dreams!

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