
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday Stuff

I slept in this morning. It was nice. I don't get to do that very often. I enjoyed it immensely! By the time I sat down to order breakfast at one of my favorite places, it was almost noon.

Still cheap these days so I went with the #1...

...except I subbed the heck out of that order. Fruit instead of potatoes. French toast instead of regular toast...

...and I got hot chocolate instead of coffee for someone I know.

I really love all the funny little signs hanging up inside the restaurant. The restaurant was really busy today because of the time of day we went plus the holiday weekend but it was worth the wait.

Look at this lovely cozy table in the corner. We didn't sit there but I wanted to show you what a table here looked like. If you like cozy, you will love this place.

While we were waiting for our table we walked around that area a bit. I finally remembered to bring my aviator sunglasses with me so I bought them here to have them adjusted so that I can finally wear it. I got them online and they would leave a mark on my left cheek every time I wore them because the nose bridge area was not adjusted to fit me.

It's all better now!

A little further down from the restaurant is a beach bike shop... many pretty bikes.

This is the one I want. I wish I had more space at my place to store this beauty!

After breakfast, we headed to Petco. Teddy gave me a shopping list of items that he needed. Let's see...Yorkie food and chicken strip jerky. What more can a pup need? Maybe a pet bird...

..or this very colorful frog!

Oh the choices!

I really needed a snack at this point so we stopped at a Starbucks for these.

My honey wanted some of this...

Why do they have those SMALL and REGULAR size cups asked my honey? Why would anyone want anything but a LARGE. Hmmm.

Then it was time to start the hunt for our costumes for our friend's theme birthday party tomorrow night. And when I say "our" I really mean his...I think ahead and already have my costume. Okay, onward! Thrift store number one...

It's been many years since I've been in a thrift store. It was so neat. I'm sure you can find some nice treasures if you spent the time looking around but we were on the hunt for something in particular. So no time to dilly dally.

We were unsuccessful in the first thrift store, so it was on to thrift store number two.

This place was way bigger and everything was organized by color and gender. Made the search so much easier.

We found some stuff here for the party tomorrow night. Can't wait to show you tomorrow. It is so funny!

Then we went to Blockbuster to pick up a movie or two. I saw this magnet there and it is so in line with my humor.

Movie night!

By this time, I was pretty hungry and since we were already in Little Saigon...we went to Brodard's for an early dinner. This noodle soup is called Hu Tieu Nam Vang. It is a pork base soup and I love the silver/clear noodles.

Don't forget the greens and sprouts...

...or the condiments.

Can't end the meal without dessert...otherwise known as che! Yum!

I got a thick envelope in the mail today with a copy of the Monterey Herald newspaper. I wasn't sure why...

...then I realized that they listed the names of all the runners. There I am!

Now I am pooped and ready to just relax and watch a movie. I didn't get my 4 mile run in today so I may go for an easy run tomorrow morning. Then it is go time come Monday. Be back tomorrow to report on my packet pickup for the race and some remaining errands before I leave for vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Whew. Glad that I didn't see pictures of tattoo shops and such in that part of Costa Mesa! Speaking of costumes, have you ever gone around the corner and peaked into Hawleywood's Barber Shop?
