
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cutting It Short

Once again it was time for Saturday long run, except today I only felt like running 11 miles and that would be fine and dandy on a regular day but not okay on the day I was suppose to run 20 miles. So tomorrow I want to go back out and finish the remaining 9. Is it the same as running 20 consecutive miles, well...not really but it is better than not doing it at all. The only reason I stopped short today was because it was really cold out there and it started misting about 5 miles into my run and I was afraid that it would start pouring. It never did but I don't regret stopping.

My pre-long run meal was had at the Thai Cafe and I tried a new dish. I can't remember what it was called but it was essentially a glass noodle salad with ground chicken, julienne carrots and cabbage, roasted peanuts, onions and scallions in a lime fish sauce dressing. It was amazing!

I may have also had these amazing Shrimp Egg Rolls. So good!!

I manage to make it to the Farmers Market this morning since I had cut my run short. I hope I didn't subconsciously cut my run short in order to go produce shopping...or did I?? These blueberries were huge!

Organic strawberries! These are so sweet! I purchased 3 basketful and have been enjoying them all day.

These Sunflowers brighten up an otherwise gloomy chilly OC Day.

Aside from fruit and produce, this Farmers Market is also host to a couple of bakery vendors, an organic meat vendor, some concession stalls and vendors that sell everything from organic dog treats to handmade aprons to jewelry...actually this market is quite big. I would love to one day document all the vendors that are a part of this amazing market.

I didn't buy the sunflowers from the photo above but I did buy these beautiful daffodils irises. I'll snap another photo when they are in full bloom in the next day or two.

Nike's Free Run+ Shoes hit store shelves recently and are selling like hotcakes. I may or may not be the proud owner of a purple and black pair. These are very bendable in the toe box area. These are Nike's take on the minimal shoe trend. Beautiful aren't they?

Teddy: What are you looking at? There is no more here to see. Now run along and have a good weekend. But come back on Monday and perhaps see more photos of me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I want to eat those strawberries off the screen! They're so perfect they almost look fake!
