
Monday, May 30, 2011

2011 (13th Annual) Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half Marathon - Race Recap

Date: May 30, 2011
Location: Laguna Hills, CA
Start: 7:00 AM
Finish: 1:44:10 (personal course record 1:49:42)
Elevation: See last year's post

I did it! I finally accomplished my goal of running a sub 1:45 half marathon! It is a good day for me today. What's also great is that my honey finally learned how to take photos for me at the finish line so I have some to share today. It's the little things that thrill me. :)

I started the race with the 1:50 pace group and stayed with them for the first 3 miles. Then I saw someone that I thought was OUAL so I started chasing her. She was fast and was about a quarter mile ahead of me but I wanted to catch up and say hi! Since I had just ran this course last year, I remembered all the turns and ups and downs so instead of holding back, I just ran with all my might. At some point she was running so fast that I lost sight of her. I finally caught up with her at mile 10 only to realize that it wasn't her. D'oh! By this time, I was almost to the end so I just continue to push through. All those Back Bay training runs really helped me mentally conquer all the little ups and downs of this course. I should really also thank that OUAL look-alike for being my rabbit. I'm happy with how I did. I've been training very hard lately and am happy that it showed in my time. Six more days until marathon #13! At least I think it is 13.

Me being happy because I just realized that I had PRed the course.

Me hogging all the coconut water that I can carry. Such a good day this was! PR AND Coconut water.

Souplantation is my post race food of choice. They need to be at every post race area. So good! Nom!

I love when I have "7s" in my bib number because it is a lucky number for me.

Of course Teddy wanted to wear it. Gah!


Neat medal. The two runners in the medal are cut-out, you can't see it in this photo.

Now you can.


Now I'm packing and relaxing! More later on that party I went to last night! Happy Memorial's Day Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I'm still laughing you thought you were chasing me. Glad "I" could help! Congrats again - you rock, lady. Oh and Teddy looks kind of pissed.
