
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things That Make You Go Hmm...

Here are some random photos that neither fits here nor there to keep you entertained while I am out doing my Saturday long run. :o)

Wow, just look at how happy I am in this race photo for the Coaster Run! I'm even giving it the big thumbs up! Sister K there looks like she is on an actual roller coaster. Funny!

So last weekend I purchased a small loaf of raisin pecan bread from Whole Foods and have been eating it this entire week. Toasted. With PB. And Jam. Too much bread to eat on my own. Thank goodness it is almost all gone.  

So a few weeks ago, I made a Tweet Cloud, which pulled the top 20 words I've used in all my tweets since I opened my account. Looks like I love me some MARATHON! I'm surprised that CUPCAKE isn't larger. I need to eat and tweet more about cupcakes apparently.

Finally, you may or may not have seen this photo around the web but just look at this travesty up near Big Sur. The collapse of this road. The reason why this year's Big Sur Marathon course will likely be an out-and-back. This is scary, I hope no one was hurt when this happened. I am still super excited about running Big Sur. Maybe I'll go back next year as well when they have fixed this problem.

Hope you are having a nice weekend! See you on Monday for weekend recap!

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