
Thursday, April 21, 2011

And I Ran...

I've been posting so much about food lately that it probably makes you wonder if I am still running. And indeed I am. All the energy I get from all that eating has to go somewhere. I've actually been training really hard lately but strangely enough training hard does not equate to more posts about running. I guess I'm just not one of those people that analyzes my running too much. That doesn't mean that I don't take my training seriously because I do. I am pretty determined at this point to run a speedy race up at Ojai next month.

And to prove that I am deep in training, I had to come here recently to get another pair of shoes.

Nothing interesting to share as I only purchased another pair of the shoes that I currently have. I've been pretty lucky as far as running shoes are concerned because I'm been wearing the same brand for many years now. I just buy the newer upgraded version every year. I think I've only ever wore 3 brands in all the years that I've been running and have had great success with them. I think I only switch brands for design and color variations. 

There you have it. I still am running. Sometimes long, sometimes short, sometimes hard, sometimes easy, sometimes up a hill, sometimes on a treadmill, but always with enthusiasm! In more exciting running news, I will be heading up to Big Sur towards the end of next week so I will have more interesting running related post. You can be sure that I will be posting about the scenery, food and marathon happenings up in those parts. I will try to blog during the trip so you get to experience the journey with me. Should be very exciting with the revised course this year. I promise to take lots of photos!

1 comment:

  1. If you buy the same show all the time, why not purchase it online? I find that doing that, I save a few bucks, even after shipping is factored in...
