
Friday, April 29, 2011

2011 Big Sur Marathon Expo

More of Day One's travel shenanigans after this post. In the meantime, I wanted to show you what the scene was like at the expo today when I arrived 2 hours before closing. Today was a good day to catch the expo because it was not crowded at all, so I got in and out of there in a snap. The expo was larger than what I had expected. I had expected something relatively small since the race itself is not that big. However, there was a good amount of vendors there to keep me entertained without overwhelming my senses. This was good since my senses were pretty tired from traveling all day.

Inside the expo was in full swing.

Aasics is the platinum sponsor for this race. Therefore all the race shirts are Aasics. They are nice tech shirts!

They had different colored shirts for each of the different events happening this weekend here at Big Sur. Again they are nice shirts and I wish I could have gotten one of each color.

This is my shirt! I might wear it on race day.

Dole was there handing out all the bananas you can eat. Thanks Dole!

I almost purchased a Sweaty Band but decided not too since I will be wearing a hat on race day.

Uh oh, I came by this booth and something happened!

I can't wait to finally get one of these. I've wanted one for a while now. :^)

You can't hide Larabar guy!

Scoping out some possible ways to get myself into more trouble...

...okay this is too much even for me!

I'm all set to hit the course come Sunday. It was and still is very windy here. The wind was howling an hour ago. I hope it is not this windy all the time.

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