
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Side Street Cafe - Costa Mesa, CA

Side Street Cafe is another one of those restaurants that I am surprised I haven't already written a review about...because I LOVE this place! It is located on a small street parallel to a large street that runs through Costa Mesa. It is situated in a strip mall along with shops that sell frozen yogurt, sunglasses, bicycles, lingerie and even pole dancing lessons. Costa Mesa is an eclectic kinda town.

The restaurant is family owned and guessing from all the Texas paraphernalia that adorn the inside of the restaurant, the family must have originated from Texas. But I'm shy and have never asked the many family members and their friends that work there. They are all very nice by the way. I guess you can call this place a "dive" since none of the furniture or dishes match. They also have some really funny signs hung up with some really hilarious sayings.

This is one of my favorite coffee mugs when I come here. I always hope that they serve my coffee in this mug.

Sometimes I get this other mug with a stagecoach picture on it. I don't mind so much. The coffee is always hot and good!

On warmer days, perhaps ice tea is the way to go. They serve all their cold drinks in mason jars. Really really large mason jars. If you finish this entire thing in one sitting, you will surely have to visit the restroom before you leave. The restroom, by-the-way is located outside in the back, you have to walk around the restaurant to get to it. So don't drink too much iced tea.

Sometimes I go with the Arnold Palmer. The same rules about not drinking too much applies to this as well.

The orange juice comes in large and small. I normally go with the small when I am in a juice mood. Again this is to avoid the going to the restroom thing.

The food! Yes, this is the place where breakfast food magic happens. This place is not fancy but they have some great grub at good prices...and in Orange County...that can be rare. They just know how to do breakfast here.

This here is the Cheapskate Special I believe. Two eggs, potatoes, side of toast and coffee or hot chocolate for $6! I always get my eggs over medium and I switch out my toast for rye french toast.

I normally do not like breakfast potatoes but they make them so well here. I mean just look at them.

My muscular dining companion always adds a side of sausage patty to his Cheapskate meal...that carnivore!

...and a side of French Toast. Yes, he eats two breakfasts all.the.time. Let me tell you that this is by far my most favorite thing to eat here. This is the best french toast I've ever had! The best! Say it with me...the best!

This is the rye french toast for when I am trying to be good but still want french toast. It is also very good.

The fruit bowl/cup here is just amazing. Yeah there is more in there than just honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon...what? Yes!

Sometimes I put the two together from the a-la-carte menu and I get this. Makes me feel like a faux chef.

I've been known to also order this. Again the Cheapskate Special but with scrambled eggs. What can I say, I'm always cheap but I like choices!

Sometimes when I eat really terribly during the week, I order this egg white veggie scramble with salsa to even things out. I also tend to order this when I don't get in my long runs on the weekend, if you know what I mean. It's all a balancing act. A delicious balancing act!

Okay this is not mine! When my dining companion is not ordering two breakfasts, he orders this...with a side of french toast...of course! This here is good eats. Trust me, some of this ended up in my tummy.

I ordered the eggs benedict once but I did not like it very much. The hollandaise sauce was the wrong color. It looks sort of like melted cheese. Something was not quite right about it.

On another visit I ordered the Veggie Benedict to give this dish another chance but this time I ordered the hollandaise sauce on the side and it was delicious. I guess I don't like hollandaise sauce.

The cinnamon roll...oh the cinnamon roll! Just get one!

So now that I've shared with you my most favorite breakfast place, please do not go hogging up all the tables on the weekend because I will hunt you down and eat your french toast.

Side Street Cafe
1799 Newport Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 650-1986


  1. Is it still cash only? Years ago I used to hit this place up once a week. Then I hit 260 pounds......

  2. No they take credit cards now. They are still a humble place aside from that. 260? Well that's how you can tell that they are so yummy.
