
Saturday, March 19, 2011

LA Marathon Expo 2011

Hello everyone! Welcome to the 2011 LA Marathon race weekend! I took the day off from blogging yesterday in honor of Blogging Day of Silence for Japan (3/18/2011). But now I'm back and excited to blog about the expo that I attended yesterday. One day earlier than planned. 

I was suppose to go to the expo this morning but at the last minute, my coworker and running buddy convinced me to go with him to pick up our race packets on Friday afternoon. I think he was just using me for the carpool lane. ;^) I'm really glad I went yesterday because the crowd wasn't bad at all and I got to get up close and personal with many vendor booths. Normally, it is so crowded I can't even get near the front of the booth.

We arrived at Dodger Stadium around 12:30ish. It was such a nice day outside. Why does it have to rain on Sunday? Why?

The expo has multiple entrances this year and seems a lot bigger. Changing for the better. Awesome!

The folks at the LA Marathon printed the names of all the runners that had registered for the race prior to the February cut-off date on the lead vehicles. There were so many runners that they required 2 vehicles.

I found my name!

I spotted the Clif Bar booth near the lead vehicle tent so I went over to get in on some sampling action. Samples...*drool*.

I went to look at the medal again and my coworker commented that it was better than last year. I told him about all the conversation surrounding the medal design and he said..."really?"

The lines were really short on Friday afternoon at the packet pick up tent. Love! I was in and out of there in 2 minutes. 

I passed by this booth and got ideas! Bad ideas!

More bad ideas that I am now deep in. Let's rock LA in October? Sounds good, where do I sign?

You had me at "heavy duty bling"...

Oh you want to give me a shirt for signing up? Okay but you had me....

More bad ideas waiting to happen. I walked away...very fast.

Expo main stage.

More trouble but since I was already signed up for the Long Beach Marathon, this Holiday Half Marathon was discounted to $30 at the expo. Had to do it! Had to. 

Danica, the face behind Run Racing working hard at the expo on Friday! 

Holiday Half 2010 race shirt. 


I just love the 2011 OC Marathon race medal. I love the ribbon. I wish I was running it this year. Just for this medal. 

This is where it all started to go downhill..or is that uphill? 

I'm finally going to get my chance to go back...

...and pick up one of these babies!

Just one more photo of me and one of the lead vehicle.

Have a Great Race!!! 

Loot from the expo!

2011 LA Marathon Race Shirt! Orange you glad you signed up for this?

Y'all come back real soon to catch my race recap! Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. What? A goodie bag with stuff in it other than coupons? The only other race that does that is the Firecracker 10K!
