
Friday, February 18, 2011

Pageant of the Masters - Laguna Beach

It's very strange but I remember a time when I was a more cultured person. I read more, I traveled more and I took part in more cultural and artistic happenings. I use to go to the theater more and art galleries. What happened to me? I guess I had more time when I was younger and had less worries or perhaps I tragically just let all these things fade out of my life.

I use to love going to the theater and not just the kind where you go to watch movies. I remember going to see Miss Saigon, The Bolshoi Ballet company and even Beauty and the Beast. I use to be a huge fan of the Cirque du Soleil productions. My goal at the time was to see them all. At last, I've let all of that go to the way side.

A few months ago, I received an email from Pageant of the Masters. Tickets were on sale for their 2011 summer opening. I have to say that me and the Pageant of the Masters show have a history. I remember going to my very first show when I was either 20 or 21 and fell in love. It is a show unlike any other and one where you have to be there to truly appreciate what they do. I kept going back for a few years consecutively after that but eventually just stopped. One year, I even purchased tickets to the Gala Event show, which is basically the show with appetizers served before the show and you had to dress up as it was black tie. The year I went was the first time they had the Gala Event and it was packed and everyone ate all the food. I think I had about 3 pieces of appetizer. The ticket price for that showing is about 3 times as much as a regular ticket so save your money. The only really neat thing about going on Gala night (last showing of the production for the year) is that celebrities will attend that showing. On that one year I went, I saw the cast of Days of Our Lives sitting in one row. It was fun as I was a big fan of that show at the time. I even got a photo with the infamous "Stephano" but that photo is long lost now.

This year I decided it was time to go back to the Pageant and bring art back into my life. The Pageant of the Masters is people bringing art to life...literally. With some costumes, make-up, special lighting and some very dedicated volunteers this show comes to life. It is truly remarkable. You really do have to see it to believe it. It is very entertaining and I am so excited to see this show again this year.

This year's theme is Only Make Believe. They have a different theme every year and pick pieces of art reflecting the theme. Tickets are currently on sale but they do sell out before opening night. If you wait too long, you will end up with really crappy seats. The show runs from July 7 to August 31 this year, showing nightly at 8:30pm. There is also a Sawdust festival across the street if you are interested in buying some art pieces.

You are not allow to take any photographs of the seating area or any part of the show but this photo from the OC Register is a very good representation of what the show is all about. Those are real people in that painting-like setting.

These are also real people dressed and painted in bronze. 

This is probably a better photo at showing that it is indeed a real person. I keep mentioning this fact because when you go see the show, you almost cannot believe your eyes. These volunteers are taught how to stay perfectly still, even when there are little children in the painting. It is amazing. 

Here is a volunteer putting makeup on another volunteer who will eventually be part of a masterpiece. 

(Note: all these photos were borrowed from either the OC Register or online via a news source.)

1 comment:

  1. It is pretty amazing. My kids were in the show for a couple of years, and my daughter worked in makeup last year.
