
Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh It's Going to Be An Interesting Weekend

Hello Friends! I've been absent from the blog world for a little bit. I hope you noticed but I'm sure you didn't. I've been terribly sick! 

I'm on the mends but that bout of sickness really took it out on me. I had the flu for one week straight and then a cough that just won't quit. Today is the first day in a couple of weeks where I have not felt like death. It's a good thing too because I have to do this race this Sunday! This will be interesting.

I'm probably going to run pretty slow because I am still recovering from being sick but I am excited to add another surf board medal to my collection. 

So wish me luck...I'm going to need it! Be back next week for the race recap.

1 comment:

  1. I've only just stopped coughing (was mostly better last week though). you're a trooper for running after being sick. good job~
