
Thursday, February 10, 2011

LA Marathon Memories

I am finally almost back to my pre-sick self again. I even mustered up the strength to go for a 5 mile tempo run today at 8:15 pace. Like I said before, getting back into the swing of things after being sick is just not fun. During these past couple weeks while I was laid out, I was sad that I was not able to run. For some weird reason, every time I drove pass a runner on the way into work, it would make me sad. During this time I also started thinking about all the miles I've accumulated since I started running. I have to say that I've had so many wonderful memories from running. I guess that's why I keep doing it. The day after I ran Surf City, I told myself that it was time to buckle down and focus on training for LA. Afterall, LA is the one that started it all.

Back in 2006, I signed up not only for my first LA Marathon but also for my very first marathon EVER. Running 26.2 miles for the very first time was both exciting and scary. I remember my sister (Sister S) and I trained so hard for that race. At the time, I thought it was going to be my one and only time running this many miles in a row. Fast forward to 2011, I am about to run my 6th LA Marathon. When I first signed up for my first LA, I jokingly said that I was going to run 10 of them year after year. So you can say that this year will mark my half way journey to running 10 LA Marathons. Why ten? Well, I remember one year, I was on a train to the start-line for yet another LA Marathon and I sat next to this guy who started chatting to me about running. He asked me how many times I've ran LA and I think at that time I had done 2. He told me that it was going to be his 10th one and it was at that point that I thought to myself that I wanted to do that too.

The 2011 LA Marathon is about 5 weeks away. I always get so excited running this race because it was the one that started it all. It would be great if I could run a sub-4 but either way, I am going to have a terrific time.

Note: Runner's Ramble is hosting an SF Marathon entry giveaway. SF is a great course. Go enter!


1 comment:

  1. Madison, you are amazing! Stay well, be careful to avoid injuries, and have a blast running the LA again!
