
Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm So Over Being Sick!

Now that the Surf City race has come and gone, time to get down to more important business. Namely, LA Marathon training. I really need to focus and get my act together. Being sick is no fun but knowing that you've signed up to run Spring races and not be able to train because you are laid out with some sort of illness is a terrible feeling.

Here are some photos as of late from various doctors' office I've been in. I hate being sick but I hate doctors' offices even more. 

This just looks unpleasant. I'm so over being sick!

I saw this colorful piece of art in one of the doctors' office and it made me smile on a day when I was feeling awful. 

A random photo of my parents' cat (Meowmie) that I found on my camera being her cute self. 

I am drowning in Girl Scouts cookies. Come visit my office and have some, will you?

I was fortunate enough to get a chance to stop by the Farmers Market this past weekend. I purchased some of these tomatoes. Can't wait to enjoy in a lovely tomato salad.

Citrus season is still going strong. Go and get some blood oranges and Meyer lemons. They are at their yummy peaks.

That's it for now. I should be back to my normal blogging frequency now that I am feeling more like myself again.

The Hungry Runner Girl is hosting a giveaway that I actually want. Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be at your office in 2 minutes to relieve you of your Girl Scout Cookie duties.
