
Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Shenanigans

So on top of finishing my first race of the year, Sister K came to visit so we spent the weekend eating and hanging out. We started on Friday night at Pomodoro (review coming up soon) doing some light carbo loading. I don't actually carbo load for a half race but I still like the idea of eating at an Italian restaurant, so that was what we did.

Gamberi w/ toasted crusty bread
Umm, no comment!
Sister K, why are you smiling so much?
Oh, ok, good reason!

After my race on Saturday morning, we went to Santouka for a quick lunch then hit the mall and Target for some retail relaxation. We stopped off at Seasons 52 for a snack break!

They normally have a piano player entertaining people eating at the bar but that is only during dinner hours. This is a fun place to come for dessert or a nice meal. I have not eaten a full-on meal here yet but will plan to do so in the near future and write a review.
The thing to note about Seasons 52 are the dessert shots. Little cups of delight!
My favorite is the Carrot Cake one. Yum!

Later that evening we had dinner at one of our favorite sushi restaurant...

I have a review post coming up soon, so this is all you get for now.
Then on Sunday morning, we decided to go and check out...

 A post of this is also coming up soon, so this is all for now.
Somehow we ended up on this thing.
Finally, on a running related note, I purchased tickets to see Hood to Coast. My Ragnar team from work mentioned that they were interested in doing this race in 2012 or 2013 so I thought that perhaps I should go and see the movie so I know what to expect when the time comes. I will return with a review of that as well. Have a wonderful week of running and fitness!

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