
Monday, January 24, 2011

Next of Kindle

I've never been a big reader. I only read in school because it was required. On a few occasions, I did manage to go out of my way to go and seek out a book to read. Those instances were few and far between. It's not that I do not like to read because I do. When I get engrossed in a book, it is hard to get me to put it down. I've read 600+ page books in a matter of days. That hasn't happened in many years. These days, I mostly read magazines, newspapers and articles on the internet. The last book I read was John Steinbeck's East of Eden. And to be honest, I only picked up that book because it was one of Oprah's book of the month and I like the way John Steinbeck writes.

I think it is time for me to pick up a book and read. But not in the literal sense, because now there is something that will allow me to buy books easily and will be thin enough for me to stick into my purse and take with me wherever I go.

And look what came in the morning mail...

It got here faster than I had thought.

I was so excited!

I introduce you to my new Kindle...

Of course I got the purple protector! :)

Who knows why I haven't read much lately. Maybe it was the chore of having to go to the book store or my impatience that kept me from ordering a book online. Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter now. Time to turn the proverbial new page.

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