
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Today is a very special day to me, as it is not only my mommy's birthday but it is also Teddy's birthday! Teddy turns 4 (28 in human years - he's maturing nicely!) and my mom, well she's just timeless and amazing at any age. We actually celebrated my mom's birthday this past weekend.

My camera is not the best but this cake was a pretty lavender color. It was a Taro cake. Ever had taro cake? It has a nice rich flavor. A little too rich maybe for cake but I love taro so for me this was a good cake.

I got her these lovely flowers. Her favorite color is purple, as is mine. The other sisters got her presents as well but I must have been asleep at the camera because I don't have any photos of that.

 The whole family took her out to dinner at one of her favorite restaurant...

 ...where this lobster noodle dish was the star of the dinner show.

Teddy's First Birthday (circa 2008) - he was too distracted to let me put the pointy birthday hat on...

...but I am he ended up wearing it. Someone was not likin' it!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your mom! But taro v
    Cake? As in poi? Scraping my tongue...
