
Monday, November 8, 2010

On The Road Again

So once again I'm leaving on another business trip today. I don't normally travel this much for work but this month is an exception. I use to love to travel when I was little but now that I am older, I've grown to really love the comfort of home and the idea of travel, and for work at that makes me want to...well, I guess it is not that bad. However, all this travel is pretty disruptive to my workouts. I am still working out for the most part but some days I am just tired from the long work days and the business dinners that often leads to late nights. It's been interesting though...trying to fit in a workout on the go I mean. I've been working out in a couple of different hotel gyms and running around outside which for the most part is interesting if only because it is a different environment. However, I can't wait until I am back to my normal schedule. I am running the Malibu Marathon next Sunday and due to all this traveling, I haven't been able to run as much as I would have liked but I am really looking forward to doing another race. It'll be nice since I am not "racing" myself in this race. I just want to run an easy pace and enjoy the running experience. After Malibu I want to get back to doing more strength and cross training and Bikram yoga. Yes I am going back to Bikram. I got a deal the other day on Groupon for 10 sessions at my local Bikram studio, so I will blog about that when I start going again.

For some reason, I feel like I haven't ran that many races this year. I will have to look at my chart when I get back to determine how many I've done this year compared to previous years. I have my eye on running the Disneyland Half next year and I will be throwing my name in the NYC Marathon lottery to see if I can get in. Watching the NYC Marathon this past weekend on TV really made me want to be there. I will likely write another post solely talking about the process for getting into NYCM. For sure, I want to sign up for more halves. I would like to run a faster half which may help me run a faster full. Overall, I want to get closer to a Boston Qualifying time even if it takes me a while to accomplish. Be back soon!

I leave you with this beautiful photo of the pool at the hotel where I recently stayed. There is a running trial on the other side of that fence parallel to those palm trees.
Some really good food can be had here. Sorry, no photo because I was at a business dinner and didn't want to be a weirdo who takes photos of my food. Maybe when I get to know these people better...LOL.
Some unexpected but beautiful fireworks from aboard the naval ship that was parked next to the Top of the Market restaurant.
Finally, I "won" these Heart Thrive bars in Date and Chocolate Chip (flavors I picked out) from Skinnyrunner. I put parenthesis around won because I wasn't actually the initial winner that she selected randomly but that person didn't claim these. And after some begging and groveling, she gave these to me. I will give my options on these in another post.

1 comment:

  1. Seafood restaurant right? I think I've eaten there. And I think I recognize that bridge behind the hotel.

    That's unfair! When you travel you don't have to go across the country!
