
Monday, November 1, 2010

French's Cupcake Bakery - Costa Mesa, CA

Last week I decided that I wanted to thank the person who had covered for me while I was on vacation in Chicago for a couple of days for the marathon. She not only covered for me during my vacation days but than I got sick when I got back and had to be out longer. So I was really grateful that she was there to hold down the fort. So what better way to thank someone than with cupcakes. Ok, there are lots of other ways but none as delicious! I've seen this bakery on Yelp a few times and decided that it was time to go and pay them a visit. They were not easy to find because they are located in a strip mall with lots of other stores so you really have to keep your eyes peeled. The thing to note about French's cupcakes is that their cupcakes are regular size, even small compared to the ones you would find at say...Sprinkles. But to make up for the size, they are only $2 each, so you can get more flavors to try. And they do have a case full of different flavors, lots! Sorry, I didn't get a photo of that for some odd reason. Maybe I was just too busy imagining myself stuffing my face with all the cupcakes there.

Front of the bakery.
Business card
Front door
Yum, look at all the other goodies they have there besides cupcakes!!
Some prepackaged Halloween cupcakes.
I sampled this mini red velvet cupcake but the cake part was kinda dry. Perhaps it was because it was so small and they over-baked it. I don't want to make my mind up about this place until I go back and actually sample a regular size one. I think this small one may have been $0.50 or $0.75.
Here are some regular sized cupcakes I ended up selecting for my coworker. There's a peanut butter and chocolate, red velvet, carrot cake, blueberry, vanilla and regular chocolate. I think that's what I got. I should have taken better mental notes or maybe actual notes but who has the time.
French's Cupcake Bakery
273 East 17th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 642-0571


  1. Ummm I guess I know where I'm going for lunch! That peanut butter cupcake has my name ALL OVER IT. :)

  2. Not one of my favorite cupcake bakeries. Now - the other French's (on Baker and Fairview) is the bomb for regular cakes and pastries....
