
Monday, October 25, 2010

What's going on for Halloween?

I love Halloween! I love it because I love to play dress up and for the third year in a row, I will be dressing up in some crazy get-up. I loved Halloween as a child but my parents were not always able to afford to buy or make me a costume, so now that I am an adult, I go nuts! My family and I have hosted a themed costume party for the past 3 years and we always have such a blast. Prior to recent years, I only remember dressing up for Halloween a couple of times but I am unable to locate those photos. Costumes that I've wore in the past have included: Sen (Spirited Away), Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame), and Princess Leia (white dress). I'm sure I'm forgetting one. This past weekend, I went out searching for make-up for this year's costume. Can you guess what I am going to be this year?

2010: Here's a hint. Ok, it isn't a very good hint but you will likely see a photo soon! (theme: Tim Burton movies)
2009: Harley Quinn (theme: Heroes and Villians)
2008: Evil queen from Snow White (does she have a name?)
Here's just another photo of the costume (theme: Disney)
2007: I didn't dress up this year but here is a lovely photo of my puppy trying to eat this pumpkin.


  1. Are you going to be the White Queen?!! I am a super giant Tim Burton fan. Sounds fun, excited to see the finished product!
