
Friday, October 8, 2010

Journey to Chicago

I am attempting to do this blogging thing while I am still on the road. So here we go!

I had taken yesterday off to get ready for my journey to the Chicago Marathon. I have never flown to a race destination before so I was a bit nervous of how logistics would pan out but my traveling companions are pretty seasoned race travelers so they helped me out a lot and looking back, the trip was very smooth. Here's a recap of today.

This looks like a lot of stuff but I only took along that purple bag and the red bag.
I kissed my puppy goodbye and dropped him off with my parents.
My luggage nicely stole away.
Plane snacks.
I did some knitting on the plane to pass time. This photo is not cooperating.
Checking out the plane menu but they were not serving any of that today.
Testing out my new IPod. I love this thing!
We landed at O'Hare and made our way to the CTA Blue Line to head to our hotel.
Long journey on the Blue Line to the hotel.
Walking to our hotel.
Another photo not cooperating. This is the line for the bus to the expo outside of the host hotel.
Inside McCormick Place, the expo location.
10-10-10 everywhere!
Yep everywhere...
Finally got to where I wanted to be.
Some expo action.
They have a very large Nike Chicago Marathon merchandise area.
Book signing schedule for this weekend.

This year's medal!!
Stupid photo rotation not working properly today. But here are some samples I scored!
I got some Injinji socks. Not going to use it on Sunday but I'm excited to try them out soon.

That's all for now! Be back tomorrow with more updates if I have time. Good night from the Windy City!


  1. Jealous of those Larabars... is that a chocolate chip one? Never tried that one!

    Also curious about injiji... almost bought some but never got around to it.

  2. P.S. Your puppy is pressed against my left leg right NOW.
