
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Casual Saturday

I'm currently sitting at home with my legs propped up and relaxing but earlier this morning I went out for my very final long run of 10 miles. I only completed 9 miles due to miscalculation of the turnaround point on my part and also because it started raining  big droplets of rain towards the tail end of the run. It was also really humid and I for one did not feel like adding on the final 1 miles after I got back to my car. So I called it day and went home. Can't believe that I am mostly done with Chicago Marathon training. I started training around mid June, shortly after the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon. I took one week off to recover and was back at the training again. I was bored the other day and decided to add up all the miles I've ran this year and so far I'm at around 900 miles. Very short of my run 2010 miles in 2010 New Years goal. Oh well, I want to say I will try again next year but 2000 miles is a lot to run. We'll see. What was interesting about my 900 miles ran is that 450, half of my total miles so far was devoted to the training of the Chicago Marathon. I guess I was severely under-trained for the LA and SD Marathon earlier in the year. Oh well. I learned a lot this past year about my running form and styles so I hope to continue to improve. Can't believe that this time next week, I will be in Chicago probably going to pick up my race packet and bib. I'm very excited about the race, not so much about the flight there.

Overall I'm pretty happy with my training this time around. I had made it a point to get in all my training miles or as closely as possible and for the most part, I think I accomplish that. Looking over my training schedule, there was a week here and there that I had not kept up the milages due to fatigue but overall I am happy with it.

This coming week is another taper week. A couple of short runs and then I'm on my flight to Chicago. Here are some photo highlights from this past week.

Ah coffee! I had one this week. That's what kind of week it has been.
Cream bun - there was no cream in the center but it looks like a pillow. Cute!
This photo is out of place but I was running an errand yesterday morning and decided to have breakfast at The Corner Bakery. My actual breakfast is below but this was a part of it. It's a "crisp" and it is yummy.
Since I was at the Sporting Good sport doing some errands for work, I got myself a new outfit to wear on the trip to Chicago.
Ah, so this is my Corner Bakery breakfast, croissant with soy chai tea. This tasted awesome. Wish I had some now.
Crazy lunch time also spent running another errand and decided to have lunch at the Fashion Island Food court. I didn't eat all that in one sitting. I only ate the soup (Chicken Tortilla Soup), a few chips and a slice of bread. I ate the spagetti later in the afternoon.

I had a craving for this last night. It is a Vietnamese dessert drink called Ba Mau (meaning 3 colors). So we went to a Pho joint and I had Pho and this drink. After many experiments with my pre-long run meals. I have to add Pho into the category of stuff I cannot eat the night before a long run. Seems like bread is the best carb source for me.
I had some waffles after my run today.
Waffles and sliced peach. Mmmm!
Finally, an early present! :D I can't wait to play with it.


  1. Okay. You should *not* be able to show those waffle pictures. Now I'm hungry.....

  2. Yeah I definitely have a 'can't eat the night before' list of foods for long runs! Haha ahhh the joys of running. Let me know how the new Nano is!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and GOOD LUCK in Chicago!!!
