
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Back around Labor Day of this year, I started crocheting a granny square blanket/throw and after about a month and half, I finally got it done. This was an impressive feat on my part because if you know me, you would know that I am notorious for not finishing up projects that I've started. Normally it is due to getting bored of the project or not liking the way it is turning out mid way through the project. But this time, not only did I complete this blanket but I did so during the heaviest training period for the Chicago Marathon. It's a small yarn victory for me and now I have a nice warm blanket to show for. I thought it would be fun to chronicle the construction of this blanket. Strangely, I was a good record keeper for once and took progress photos of my work. And as I write this post, I've already started on a second one as a gift to my sister.

Start Date: September 4, 2010
Complete Date: October 14, 2010
Yarn Used: Lions Brand - Cotton Ease (in Almond and Lake)
Pattern: a modified version of this pattern on Lions Brand website

This was the very first square of this blanket. I didn't think it would turn into anything at that point. It is also my first granny square made.
Here is a stack of squares about 2 weeks later, but still a very long road ahead.
Here I am neck deep in squares. I had a lot of squares at this point, some are not shown in this photo. But I still had to finish up more and sew in the "tails" which I dread doing.
At this point I thought that I was done except after I sewed the squares together in rows, I realized that it was smaller than I had wanted so it was back to the crocheting again to make more squares to enlarge the blanket.
Then one fine day, I mustered up the energy to finally put the finishing touch on it, which actually took a while to do...about 2 more days just to put the edging on it.
TADA! I'm really happy with the way it turned out so this was all worth it.
Here's another shot of it with the flash on, don't think the flash helped.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it looks great! This might be one of the few "completed" things I've seen. =D Hope to see more completions.
