
Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer is Not Leaving Without a Fight

Looks like Summer decided to have one last harrah here in SoCal. While I do enjoy the nice warm evenings, the heat can be unbearable for long runs and midday runs. In fact, I think it's insane to be running midday this past week. Nonetheless, this past Saturday, I got to the Back Bay around 7am for what was my final 20 miler. It was already warm by the time we headed out for the 2 loops but I do well in the heat so for once I was actually the front runner of the pack; or it could have been that it was so unpleasant that I was just running fast to get it done. Possibly a combination of both. In any case, I am done with the long runs. Feels like I've done so many long runs. I think I've trained just the right amount because any more long runs and I think I would have mentally lost it.

After my 20-miler on Saturday, I had some frozen blueberry waffles from Van's. They hit the spot.

Then my sisters came to visit. We all went swimming because it was so hot.
We had some snacks of champions: chips, salsa, salami & cheese, pickles, crackers and pate.
Mixture of carbonated lemonade and blood orange juice.
Sunday dinner at MC's parents house. It's the place to be for nothing green or multi-grain.
For those keeping track of my blanket progress. This is what I have so far. It's is about 75% done. I'm very close!

On Sunday, it was even hotter than Saturday so we ventured out in search of Shaved Hawaiian Ice, I found this place casually searching the web but they had Italian Ice...not Hawaiian Ice. I need to read more carefully next time. This is Frostbites in Cypress. As the signs says, they have crepes and frozen delights.
Feasts your eyes on this frozen delight! This is called a Sorbet Cream - layers of Italian Ice and Vanilla Ice Cream. Amazing!
This was my dairy-free one called Sorbet Chill, Mango and Coconut! Really tasty.
Menu on LCD monitors.
Lots of tasty flavors and the samples were free flowing.
The crepe making side of the store.
That's my order being made.
A Nutella Crepe! I think I like the way the Japanese make it because it is crispier.
Frostbites - Crepes & Frozen Delights
9111 Valley View St., Suite 103
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 484-1577
Mon-Thu 11a - 10p
Fri-Sat 11a-11p
Sun 12p - 10p


Note: SkinnyRunner is giving away Mission Skincare Products so go and check it out:


  1. Wow, those squares look really good when you have a bunch of them. That's going to be a nice blanket.

  2. I love Van's Waffles!

    Also, wanted to ask much Maca are you know a serving size is only 1/2 teaspoon...someone else told me they hated the taste, and to me, I NEVER taste it! I think if anything it has a hint of a nutty, vanilla taste...try using less (if you are using a lot), and see if that helps! the other person said she was using like 3 heaping tablespoons of it, I use literally a half teaspoon measured out and it doesn't bother me!
