
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Flashback to Last Year

I was looking through my photo stash recently and noticed that I had not used the photos from last year's trip that I took right around this time of year. Sister K, MC and I had gone to Vegas to spectate the Mr. Olympia Competition and there may have been some buffet eating. But who can say? I was really into pumping iron at the time so this event was very appealing to me. I got to see and meet a lot of fitness personalities, people who's physique I had admired in the magazines. It was a fun trip, but it was so hot there, but expected. Unlike the crazy heat we've been having here in SoCal. I could have baked some bread in that 113 degree heat the other day. 

Sorry, this is such a dark photo.
Bikini & Figure competition - those ladies were just so fit.
This is Jennifer Nicole Lee. She has an amazing story. Google her if you are interested. She lost a ton of weight and won a bikini competition. Inspirational! She is also the inventor of the Ab Circle.
I also met Forrest Griffin, the UFC fighter.
MC, trying to win some stuff in an arm strength demo. That thing is heavier than it looks.
I'm sorry Sister K, I had to use this photo because you look so cute!
We also went to see the Penn & Teller Show. Even though I look sleepy in this photo, the show was pretty interesting!

1 comment:

  1. if you have to apologize it means that you know it's embarassing :P
