
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Countdown to Chicago

The countdown to the Chicago Marathon started last Saturday for me after I completed what was suppose to be my final 20 miler training run. However, since my training this season has been lackluster, I feel uncomfortable going to Chicago without just one more long run. So this coming Saturday, I will be going out for my final long run of 21 miles. Let's hope everything goes well. I am going into this race with a lot of mixed emotions. Currently I am just taking it day-by-day. I want to go out there and run my best possible race. Anything near a 3:50 would make my day, anything near a 3:40 would be a miracle. I believe in miracles! ;)

Anyways, after I get back from Chicago, I have about a month to prepare for the running of the Malibu Marathon. I am planning to just run that one for fun so I am really looking forward to that one. Then it will be back to the grind with training. So far I am only committed to the Surf City Half Marathon. I realized that I haven't signed up for any other Spring race. I will reevaluate after Chicago.

I got my participation guide in the mail the other day. I guess this means I am deep in it now.
I managed to get into a corral! I am really happy about this because I am small and was afraid of getting lost in the crowd of the open corral.


  1. yay!!!! good luck! happy carbo loading!

  2. Good job on getting into a seeded corral! I'll be having fun in the Open corral. :)

  3. I'm just heading out the door for 10 miles in El Moro and it's laready hot outside! I hope you beat the heat!
