
Friday, September 17, 2010

2010 Nautica Malibu Tri - Part 2

I have more photos to share from the 2010 Nautica Tri, so I thought that I would write another post. It's funny because I didn't even do the whole tri but this is the first time I am using 2 post for one event. So I borrowed these photos from Sister K, who was the only one in my cheering section this year! Thanks again for coming out to support me Sister K! I had forgotten my camera in the car and the walk back was too long so I am really happy that she did bring hers..yay!

This is what the scene looks like when you arrive. It is pretty dark but where the bright light is shining is the transition area.

It is also pretty chilly and I'm pretty sleepy. Chilly+Sleep=Not good combo.

Drinking some "pick-me-up" juice..hehehe!

The transition area in better lighting. Everything takes place at this area. Once done with the ocean swim, everyone must go into the transition area and hop on their bikes and head out. Then they ride back into this area to drop off their bikes and head out for the running.

BLING! These are the placing medals.

They always build a nice Nautica sand sculture every year but I keep forgetting to go and see the final result.

Post race food area. This year they had bananas, pesto pasta and chopped mixed fruit bowls.

The course!

Sister K found a food truck at this event, The Border Grill Truck.

 The finish line!

That's me just finishing up the run!

I look worse here than earlier in the morning.

(photo borrowed from Nautica site)

Teri Hatcher is a bada$$, she keeps coming back for more. I keep thinking to myself that if Teri Hatcher can do this, so can I. First, I must learn to swim! Ok, I know how, but need to be so much better at it.

The first Bachelorette (Trista) and her husband (Ryan). He did the International distance on Saturday instead of the Classic distance that most celebrities do the next day. I walked passed her at the event and she is so tiny. She is about my height, I didn't even know. She seems taller on TV.

The female International distance tri finishers. Bada$$ girls!

1 comment:

  1. seriously, you doing a tri makes you my hero....amazing....Terri Hatcher is badass!!! I can't believe how Tristan and Ryan lasted all these years!! True love from a reality show, who'd a thunk it!

    Have a great weekend!
