
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Running at a Snail's Pace

Yesterday was speed work day so that means track time. I know lots of people do interval training or track once a week but this is pretty new to me. I mean I've done them before, but sporadically and when it was convenient for me. I've always just ran with very little structure. Track workout is very structured and I really liked it. Plus running on a soft track is really nice!

Last week I did my first real interval training in a while and outside no less with Cal Coast. Glenn invited me to tag along to try them out. I've been "shopping" around for a running group to help me BQ at Chicago in October. Cal Coast is a great group, they are very intense. Lots of very fast runners and the coach seems very nice. Plus the group runs very close to where I work which is great. However, I think after my workout with Snail's Pace yesterday, I've decided to train with them instead.

There are a couple of things I like about Snail's Pace. For one, the group is small (~25-30) and I am a middle of the pack runner in that group instead of a back of the pack runner and I think I run a decent pace. Also, even though the track workouts are structured, the group is more casual. I guess in the end, it was less intimidating for me. The practice location is a bit farther than Cal Coast but not by much. Plus, there are no membership fees to run with them. Although that was not one of the deciding factors anyways, just a plus.

So I will practice with Snail's for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Yesterday we did 5x4:00mins at 5K pace and 2:00mins of rest/jog in between. I ended up clocking 6:50-7:10 pace for all 5 sets. That along with warm up and cool down, I ended up doing about 5.5 miles. I guess I am a very competitive person because I am really looking forward to being able to run closer to the front runners soon. I am already looking forward to going back next week.

I also met the coach and had a chance to talk to him a bit. He told me that I wasn't running enough. Here I thought that I was running too much so I've been holding myself back. Well that and the fact that I didn't want to get injured. But I think if I increase my milages a bit more over time and continue to do my speed work, that I think I will be more confident when I arrive in Chicago. I am on my way!


  1. Any other benefits to running with SP? With this kinda training, I guess you're on your way to back to Boston where you were young and I was but a seed. Hoping that "A" qualifies, and we can all be in Boston together (though maybe you would have to defer 1 yr.,.. or maybe I will just tag along for fun!) I will make double-sided signs again!

  2. You aren't running enough? really?

  3. When/where do they do long (14/16 mile) runs? I like the idea of track workouts - it suits me better than running through the hills of Shady Canyon.

    How many miles does he want you to run and do they have a tructured training plan? I want to maintain a base of 40 to 50 miles a week. This is one place where Cal Coast really falls flat - Coach puts together plans for the beginners, but not for those of us who have been around for a while....

    I have soooo many questions for you!!!!!

  4. how fun to have that group to keep you going and to have a nice structured speed workout! so very jealous.
