
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

About to Embark on the Ragnar Express!

So in 2 days I will be taking part in the running of the Ragnar (Ventura to Dana Point) Race. I've been shopping like crazy this past week and think that I finally have everything that I will need. I mean, really, I even have a foldable pillow. I will make sure to snap a quick photo of everything that I picked up for this race tonight when I finally pack everything up. Yes, I still have not packed! :s I will also do a recap of all the things that were useful to me or not or should have brought along after the race. Frankly, I am just going to bring everything that I think I might need. I am even bringing a sleeping mat to go under the sleeping bag. Yeah who knew! Not this "never-camped-before-girl". I am really excited though, this is going to be such an adventure! I am going to use this opportunity to start taking photos again. I use to take photos of everything and lately..nothing!

Per the suggestion of Sister J (Sister J.'s birthday was this week - Happy Birthday!), I even found waterless shampoo and some hair freshening spray. I will review those products too after the race. I will have lots of materials to post about which is great because I've been pretty dry on the topic front.

Also, today is Admin Day and yes I do celebrate this day because I am someone's assistant. I think it is so nice they came up with this day. Most of the time, I am just happy that I have a job to go to everyday but to have people 'thank you' for doing your job is just icing on the cake. Thank you for the sweet email Sister K! She always remembers and sends me a nice note even though I am not her Admin...hahaha.

In regards to running, I went out for a run yesterday and did 6 miles in 49 mins. I was pretty tired afterwards as I had also done an interval training workout prior to going out for the run. I will talk more about the interval training I've been doing lately instead of running in another post perhaps. I really love it. It is a great fat burning workout and I see some amazing results from it.

Finally, I will try to post more often. I've been doing lots of stuff. I've just not been very good about posting. I might even do a quasi restaurant review. So many promises! ;)

I will be back on Monday with photos and stories! I hope! Have a good one!


  1. Have fun! I almost got talked into doing this one. Whew!

    By the way - I draw the line at squishy feet. Rain = squishy feet = no running for me!

  2. hey thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I hope you have a blast at ragnar. I did a relay race in colorado last summer and it was a BLAST. I would love to do another. :D
