
Friday, March 12, 2010

LA Marathon - 9 Days and Counting!

Wow, so I am back. I've been really bad about blogging lately but that only means that I am doing lots of cool things in real life, right? Ok, not really but sometimes life happens and I am too busy to blog about it.

So first off, LA Marathon is coming up fast and furious. Cannot believe the day is almost here. I feel really good this time around and think that a sub-4 is in my future, BQ however is another story. I don't think that I trained hard enough this time around so I will save that for SD Rock and Roll or Chicago. I am just planinng to go out there and enjoy the day. I have trained hard and feel confident in what I can do. I am really excited to run. I will be doing my final long run of 8 miles tomorrow. I will be tackling that beast fast and furious style. Not because I am a track star but because I have to make sure I get back in time to clean all my crap off the floor before the carpet cleaners come. I plan to start at 6:30 and be back by 7:30am...hahaha, that would be nice!

So my other plan of attack for this marathon was that I was going to try to lose a couple of pounds by race day and I think I've been doing a good job if I do say so myself. I think it's been a month but I've dropped some weight which I am hoping will help take some pressure off my legs. So I am going to continue to eat right for this coming week and then do a carbo load on Saturday. Nothing crazy just a bit more food than I've been eating.

I went snowboarding for the second time in my life this past Wednesday and am pretty sore today still but that may be because I did a speedy 6 miles yesterday. I really want to get better at that sport so I might be going up there again once more this season but I am going to make it a goal to go a couple of times next season. Also, while I was up there this week, I realized that the thin air up there really helps me with my breathing once I get back down here. So, maybe this summer, I am going to go up there for the weekend and do some running to strengthen my lungs. Oh good times! :s

So, that's it for now. I really should not do these occasional long blogs. My brain just spills everything out in an unorderly manner. Terrible blogger I am.


  1. So I've got to ask - were you running the San Diego Creek trail Saturday morning at around 8AM? Someone who looks *exactly* like your photo passed me at Boomers (I was taking a layer off) headed south back toward UCI. I tried to catch up, but if it was you, you crossed University at California and headed up into UCI. If that was you, hello!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for all the wonderful comments the past few weeks!

  2. Oh - and good luck next week! Based on your training, you should be a lock for that sub 4 hour time!

  3. Shoot me an email - gjhome00 at gmail dot com. I'll give you the skinny on the gel packet thing...
