
Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend Recap

What a busy weekend I had or maybe it just felt like that to me. So my weekend started on Friday afternoon when I looked outside and saw this. I know, so depressing!

So after work, I went to have dinner at one of my favorite organic Japanese restaurant, Fukada. I was not planning to eat any meat (more on this towards the end of this post) but my dinner date was not feeling the salmon in his sashimi salad so I ate it. I had some nice hot Sansei (mountain vegetables) udon w/ some veggie curry on brown rice. Man, it was so good. I finished off the night w/ some Nutella and PB on 1/2 a toasted sandwich thin.

The next morning, we went to breakfast at the old stand-by, Side Stree Cafe. I was feeling terrible as usual because getting up early on a weekend day always puts me in a grumpy and sluggish mood, but some eggs and potatoes fixed that all up. The 2 cups of coffee I had didn't hurt either. Hahaha!

After breakfast, we headed to the LA Fitness Expo at the LA Convention Center. This was the reason we got up early today, to go to this thing. We were hoping that we would avoid the crowds but the expo was pretty small compared to Mr. Olympia and the crowd wasn't too bad. The Go Green Expo was also going on at the same time, as well as America's Got Talent tryouts and also some NCAA function. It was a mixed weird crowd there as you can imagine. I don't have too many photos, sorry! I am still trying to get better with taking photos.

We got free admission into the Go Green Expo because we had paid for the LA Fitness Expo, it was a 2 for 1 deal I guess. I love all the vendors at the Go Green Expo, I wish I would have had more time to look around but I was meeting my sisters for Dim Sum and it was already pass noon. I did manage to sample some great vegetarian and vegan food and entered to win a water filter system (like Brita but better...hahaha) and got some neat reusuble grocery bags. I also purchased this really great smelling tea called Pink Passion from Naja Tea. It tastes great but it smells even better out of the can, it is fruity and sweet! I am in love with it! This tea made me realize why my blog name is Tea Time...hahaha. Love delicious teas.

Sorry once again no photos of the dim sum eating as I was too busy stuffing my face! After our face stuffing dim sum session, Sister S took us to this new bakery called Fleur De Lys in Monterey Park. It was cute, I wish I would have taken a photo of it. I promise to get better with this photo taking thing! :D Anyways, I was able to snap a quick photo of some beignets that Sister K got. Beignets are little french donuts, but not as sweet and served with some sort of cream or jam sauce. I'll admit I had one but was not in love with it. I think it needed to be sweeter. I hope to be able to go back soon and try their cupcakes!

Oh, then I dragged my sisters with me to Joann's to buy tulle and ribbon for a project I am working on. More on that below. Then we all went to dinner at Park's BBQ in Koreatown. I also have no photos of any of that because to be honest that place is just gluttony. The neat thing about Park's is that it is almost right next door to the place that I got Teddy from. So I was able to go into the shop and say hello to the lady that sold me Teddy and she had another litter of Teddy look-alikes, I was in Yorkie heaven. I wanted another one but quickly got out of there before I made any impulse buys. :D I managed to pick up some hair ties for Teddy while I was there. I am letting his hair grow out so I can see what he is meant to look like but his hair is in that ackward growing out stage so he is not looking so great presently but still cute!

I got back home at a reasonable hour that night and went to bed at a decent time but still managed to oversleep and miss my long run appt with a friend. I felt so bad but managed to go out and run my 20-miler alone. This was cut short to 18.5 since I run into a coyote on the running path and decided that it must be a sign to turn around at 9.25 and head back. Someone told me I was suppose to pick up a stick and make lots of noises but I think I was too scared at that point to do anything about it. Luckily I got out of there with no incident. I also almost slipped and fell in the mud as the running trails were flooded during the week and there was lots of mud still hanging around under the road underpass. Overall, I am glad I went out there and got it done.

Then I got home and finish up my margarita tutu that I plan to wear at Surf City pending weather conditions. This was the reason I had to go to Joann's for tulle and ribbon...hahaha. I got the idea from Danica. I hope I can wear it because it matches my margarita running top perfectly!

Then I went to a vegan thai restaurant and ordered some yellow curry w/ brown rice and finished off with coconut ice cream w/ fried banana eggrolls. So good! Then I went to Runner's High to get some more GU because I am now in love with GU just like Sister J. I am also in love with Hammer Gel. Unfortunately, Runner's High was closed by the time I got there so no more GU or Hammer gel at my place and I am so sad. Then I went to Whole Foods to do some minor shopping and decided to order a green energy juice drink called Dr. Oz Green Drink at the juice bar. It was ok. Refreshing and gingery with apples and greens, don't know if I like that gingery part or not. I am going to have to say no! Then it was off to the 99 Ranch market to pick up more produce. I got some neat stuff there including some fresh tamarind which I've never had before, some ong choy (yay!), steamed coconut milk buns and some emergency ramen stash! :s I know I said that me and ramen were getting a divorce but I just can't live without it!

And finally, I've been thinking about going vegetarian again (gasp!), at least during the weekdays and maybe eventually the weekends as those are often hard because I am spending time with friends and family and I don't want to be too much trouble but after reading this blog and this blog it has really inspired me to at least try to not eat so much meat. I am not eating a whole lot of it now but I really want to stop. So here's to eating more veggies!


  1. Looks like an eventful weekend. I didn't know about dim sum at all... suddenly everyone was gone from the house. Anyway, your vegan restaurant visits might help your renewed veg-ism even if you don't make the full plunge. Nice tutu, too!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It always floors me that someone finds my rants worth readig. I appreciate that you are willing to take the time out of your day to read my drivle.

    Side Street Cafe? Great place for breakfast!
