
Friday, December 18, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

I was reading over my last post and noticed that the title of it was "I'm back", but I guess I lied because that was back on November 1. I have no excuse for not blogging except to say that I've been really busy. This year seemed long to me because I can remember almost everything I did since Jan. I did so much this year but there is also so much I did not accomplish. Overall, I think everything balanced out. This post is mainly my year in review.

Things on my "I did this" list:
1) Started posting more regularly on this blog
2) Tried out clean eating for 4 months...mostly successful. I will talk more about this maybe at the end of this post or in another post.
3) Won BBR in women's category - mostly because I did 53 pushups.
4) Started weight training more seriously - the story of how I gained and the lost my guns!
5) Marathon PR @ 4:01
6) Ran 2 marathons in the same month - 3 weeks apart
7) Survived a terrible cough/cold that lasted 2 months - after 3 prescription of antibiotics, 6 bottles of cough medicine, 2 box of Day and Nyqil, 3 boxes of cough drops and many hours of sleeping, I finally got better.
8) Traveled to San Francisco and Las Vegas for races - PR at LV @ 1:52 for Half Marathon
9) Actually took marathon training seriously for once
10) Had some amazing tasting food this year.
11) Got to know Sister K so much better! And she is a boat load of fun.
12) Completed California Dreaming Series
13) Learned to crochet

Things on my "oops, maybe next year" list:
1) Did not run marathon under 4 hours or BQ
2) Did not continue with clean eating after sister's wedding
3) Did not try to make new friends
4) Did not organize my living room
5) Did not neuter my dog
6) Did not manage my finances
7) Did not take any classes for personal development
8) Did not find time to volunteer at animal shelter
9) Did not do any international traveling
10) Did not read any books
11) Did not go to the desert to see the stars

Since October, I really haven't been on any sort of plans for myself. My eating habit has been sporadic, I've been running just when I feel like but luckily that has been often, I started drinking coffee as a trade off to not taking "peppy" pills, I am not drinking as much water or eating as much fruits and veggies as I would like. My sleeping pattern ranges from too much to too little due to events and happenings. I've basically been eating, sleeping, working and running. I have big plans for myself for the new year. I just want to get more organize mostly.

Resolution: (first round)
1) Get more organized with work and home
2) Make effort to make friends - don't know how I will do this yet - maybe I need to smile more
3) Establish better eating habits - start posting on this blog again so I am accountable
4) Focus on marathon training plan and goals - follow plan more closely
5) Stay off peppy pills and coffee
6) Sleep more regular hours
7) Run 2010 miles in 2010
8) Run marathon under 4 hours or BQ
9) Spend more time with my family
10) Travel to someplace new
11) Get better at my job

That's all I have for now. I will revise that list come New Years Eve.

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