
Friday, November 6, 2009

Lions and Cookies and Clean Eating...Oh My!

I've been so bad with blogging lately but I've had a busy week. Anyways, I was looking through some of my old clean eating logs and miss the days when I use to be so discipline about my diet. For the most part, I've been eating decent but I think starting next week, I am ready to clean up my diet again. In the meantime, I baked cookies last night and looked who helped me! I feel like I haven't accomplished much this week. Mostly, I feel like I've been at work too much. I think I may take the whole week of Thanksgiving off. I hope these cookies disppear quickly as I want to bake up a batch of red velvet cupcakes soon.

In running related news, the first week of POTM is almost over and I only have 2-3 runs to show for it. I am planning to go into the gym today and see how many I can crank out. I did a weird calculation that if I want to be in the top tier, I would have to run at least 6.5 miles a day. This is taking into consideration all my long runs and days off. So on the days I am to run, I need to do at least 6.5. If I do more one day, I can do less the next day. Yeah, this is just a plan, it isn't going as planned..hahaha.


  1. ahhhhh! it is cute. I especially like the snout part. I will never say it's cuter than the bunnies though--bias. :D

    I wish I could get in on that cookie action; you make them the best.

    miss you! see you next weekend.

  2. Cute lion! How's the gift-x rules coming? Black Friday is fast-approaching, or we could blindly give gifts like the good-old-days, ha ha.
